My Catholic Educator PLN

One Saturday morning, I came across a Twitter chat that I didn’t even know was around. I always wondered if there was a Twitter chat that best fit my teaching needs. Yes, there are chats for general education…for 5th grade…for social studies…for leadership….for whatever else you could think of in education. Yet, I was looking for a chat that was for my calling…the calling of Catholic education.

It was just by chance that I saw a person that I follow use  the hashtag #CatholicEdChat. Being curious, I clicked on the hashtag to see what this chat was about. I obviously knew that it would be about Catholic Education, but what topics would be discussed? Once I started venturing into this chat, I knew that it would be one that I would remember to participate in on a weekly basis. This chat was just what I was looking for!

#CatholicEdChat is more than a chat on new educational ideas, but it is rather a professional learning network (PLN) that helps you develop new educational ideas that emphasize the Catholic faith. This group of dedicated educators explain techniques and how they benefit student growth within the faith. The educators in #CatholicEdChat are extremely supportive and are willing to share their knowledge and watch each other grow.

This is one great joy about finding a strong, supportive PLN. The PLN will show not just academic support, but support your faith as well. Twitter can be a place full of amazing educational ideas, but #CatholicEdChat is a place full of faith and spiritual growth. I know that there have been several ideas that I have used just from sharing in the Saturday morning chats. I am very grateful for the educators that I have connected with through #CatholicEdChat.

That one Saturday morning, all I did was click on one hashtag. That hashtag led me to a place where I know I needed to be. Sometimes taking that one little risk will lead you to a group where you need to be. I want to thank all those that I have connected with in #CatholicEdChat for supporting me and helping me grow in my career. My Catholic education PLN would not be the same without all of you! Thank you and God bless!

Author: acottos

I'm a 4/5 social Studies teacher who is passionate about education and working for what is best for students. I am an aspiring educational leader who is looking forward to working as a principal or school leader to help further the education of my students and staff.

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